A BCBA®, An SLP, and An OT Walk Into A Bar

A BCBA, An SLP, and An OT Walk Into A Bar

Successful collaboration between professionals has been proven countless times to be the most effective, comprehensive treatment to ensure positive outcomes for clients. Licensed professionals that abide by their code of ethics, including behavior analysts, speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists have an ethical obligation to collaborate to best serve their clients. With an overwhelming amount of evidence to support collaboration in our field, why is collaboration still so difficult? What can we do to make it better? How can we learn to work together and coordinate efforts to produce better outcomes for our clients? This presentation discusses the ethical implications of collaboration as well as presenting common barriers to collaboration and practical solutions to those barriers.


  1. Define collaboration and identify 3 opportunities you can effectively collaborate, as a BCBA®, with other disciplines
  2. Develop thorough understanding of the BACB®s ethics with regards to cross discipline collaboration and how it affects your clients and their families
  3. Identify 5 keys to successful collaboration
  4. Identify 3 barriers to collaboration and problem solving techniques that can be used to mitigate these situations

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