Sarah Pastrana, Ph.D., BCBA
Sarah Pastrana is a BCBA in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. She has worked and studied in the field of applied behaviour analysis since 2002, providing services to autistic individuals and their families in home, school, and community settings. Sarah obtained her Master of Science in ABA at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota, and her PhD in Special Education at the University of British Columbia. She is an Adjunct Professor at the University of British Columbia, primarily instructing Masters and Doctoral students in the Autism and Developmental Disabilities program. Sarah also provides supervision to individuals seeking certification in behaviour analysis and serves as the Director of Supervision for Semiahmoo Behaviour Analysts, Inc. Sarah has presented research at regional and international conferences and contributes to the development of resources for AIDE Canada. Sarah is active in various behaviour analytic organizations and served as a board member for the British Columbia Association for Behaviour Analysis (BC-ABA) from 2012-2024, most recently holding the position of President.