April N. Kisamore, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LBA (NY)
Dr. Kisamore has been applying the principles of behavior to create meaningful change in the lives of children and adults with and without disabilities and their families over 15 years. She worked and trained at the Marcus Institute, received her M.A. in Behavior Analysis from Western Michigan University, and completed her Ph.D. in Behavior Analysis at Western New England University. She is currently an Associate Professor and the Director of Programs in Applied Behavior Analysis at Hunter College. Dr. Kisamore is also a co-owner and Director at North Jersey Behavioral Health Services, a center designed to provide services to individuals with disabilities and their families. Dr. Kisamore has published in areas such as verbal behavior, problem solving, social skills, functional analysis, and parent training in books and several peer-reviewed journals and presented her work at local, national, and international conferences. She is currently Chair of the Verbal Behavior Special Interest Group, on the editorial board for the Journal of Behavioral Education, has served as a guest associate editor for Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, and has served as a reviewer for several journals including Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, The Psychological Record, Education and Treatment of Children, and Learning and Behavior.