In their seminal article, Baer, Wolf and Risley (1968), stated that behavior analytic intervention is expected to result in strong, socially important, and generalizable behavior change which, in this case, should mean more positive adult outcomes in ASD. Unfortunately, despite a nearly three decade-long emphasis on evidence-based, behavior analytic intervention in ASD, adult outcomes remain poor "for almost any outcome you choose." (Roux, et al, 2015, p. 8). While there may be several reasons for continued poor outcomes (including the challenge of simply defining "good outcome"), the potential of behavior analytic intervention to develop more positive adult outcomes has yet to be fully realized. Such outcomes, however, are well within the reach of our behavior analytic technology. But to do that, the contingencies governing our behavior will, most likely, need to shift. For example, we will need to shift from contingencies that reinforce the technical precision of our classroom-based interventions to contingencies the reinforce the somewhat less technical precision of community-based intervention (assuming the target has a fair degree of social validity). This workshop will identify a number of areas, both internal and external to the field, where a "contingency shift" may be necessary if the power of behavior analytic intervention to significantly improve outcomes for adults with autism is to be more fully realized.
Learner Objective
After viewing this workshop, individuals will be able to:
- Competently discuss a minimum of three (3) areas of practice where we, as behavior analysts, need to change our behavior if adult autistic outcomes are to improve.
- Identify a minimum of three parameters associated with having a preferred quality of life that ABA can readily target for change.
- Discuss the critical importance of social validity when identifying behavioral targets to either increase or decrease.
About the Presenter
I think every BCBA should take this training. We all need to start thinking about application of skills vs just functional. This training helps to understand the big picture, the why we do certain things.
This session made me want to do a post-doc with Dr Gerhardt. His sensible, compassionate approach makes so much sense and reflects valuing people who have ASD as people first.
I really enjoyed this module because the speaker made everything understandable and relatable. I know I’m in the right field!
Very nice presentation and enjoyed learning. What I felt was most importantly decribed by the presenter is doing the task independently and not focusing more on perfection. Thanks a lot for giving me this opportunity to attend.
Absolutely amazing.
I loved how simple yet beneficial ways to help teens with ASD navigate life!
This was an excellent presentation and so relatable!!!
This topic is so under-discussed and so very necessary! It is so important to the lives of individuals with autism and related disabilities to explore their strengths and to find ways to accomodate their challenges so they can become flourishing adiults.
Great speaker! Practical topic!
it is very heplful
Course information
- Title: Changing BCBAs behavior to improve adult outcomes in ASD
- Presenter: Peter Gerhardt Ed.D.
- CEUs: 2 Learning
- Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes
- Customer Rating: (682)