Naturalistic Developmental Behavior Interventions (NDBIs) are a group of early interventions that use a variety of strategies from applied behavioral and developmental sciences. Although NDBIS have been demonstrated effective, NDBIs are not implemented on a wide scale within early intervention programs for children on the autism spectrum. One major barrier is that many practitioners lack training, knowledge, and support for implementing NDBIs (Hampton & Sandbank, 2021). We will provide recommendations to the autism service community, intervention developers, and researchers.

At the end of this session, practitioners will be able to: 

  1. clarify the core and common features of NDBIs,
  2. discuss possible misconceptions of NDBIs, and 
  3. articulate reasons why NDBIs could be widely implemented in their treatment environments.

About the Presenter

Ana Dueñas
Dr. Ana Dueñas is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA-D) and assistant professor at Lehigh University and soon to be assistant professor at San Diego State University who earned a doctorate in special education from Michigan State University and earned a master’s in autism and transition to adulthood from San Diego State University. Dr. Dueñas has published her work in the Exceptional Children, Autism, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Behavior Analysis Research and Practice, Journal of Special Education Technology, Education and Treatment of Children and Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals. Her primary research interests are in identifying and validating social communication interventions delivered by natural change agents to individuals on the autism spectrum and related developmental disorders. She is also interested in the application of technology to broaden accessibility to services for underserved individuals on the autism spectrum and their families.
Sophia D’Agostino
Dr. Sophia D’Agostino is an Assistant Professor of Special Education. She earned her PhD in Human Development and Family Studies from Michigan State University in 2019. Prior to entering graduate school, she was an early childhood special education teacher, coach, and consultant. Her research interests focus on naturalistic developmental behavioral intervention implementation within inclusive preschool settings. She is passionate about early childhood pre-service and in-service teacher training and coaching to enhance meaningful inclusion of children with disabilities. Teaching Interests Dr. Sophia D'Agostino primarily teaches courses within the early childhood special education (birth to five) undergraduate course sequence. Research Interests Dr. Sophia D'Agostino's scholarship aims to improve meaningful inclusion for young children (birth to five years) with disabilities through socially valid practices. Early childhood inclusive education is the inclusion of children with disabilities into high-quality early childhood education programs (e.g., public, or private preschool, community-based childcare, Head Start). Two primary strands of Dr. D'Agostino's research are (a) understanding and improving teacher preparation and training to increase the quality of services that children with disabilities receive within inclusive settings and (b) dissemination and use of naturalistic developmental and behavioral interventions (NDBI). NDBIs are evidence-based interventions informed by both developmental psychology and applied behavior analysis guided by an understanding of child development and implemented in the child’s natural environment. Dr. D'Agostino's intervention research focuses on the use of telehealth or training and coaching at a distance using technology. Further, social validity is central to Dr. D'Agostino's research. The use of NDBIs and telehealth for training + coaching emphasize social validity, which is integral to implementation fidelity, generalization, and maintenance of practices within early childhood inclusive education programs.

I have been a BCBA for 24 years. I learned many years ago how to do NDBI long before it had a name. I observed greater progress and motivation by following the child's lead on what was desired. It is not difficult to memorize the child's goals and incorporate them (I call it "infuse") into the activities. The session does require a lot more energy moving around with a child and creativity to incorporate the goals. It also allows BCBA's and staff to discover the child's true potential (last year I had a non verbal client that turned out to be quite a genius with reading but had never been to school). Most recently I have a client that has increased his attention to task (focus on people and functional activities) by approximately 70% from baseline in just a few months and is echoing about 70% of what we model and direct him to echo. He had 3 words at baseline with incorrect articulation. It makes a huge difference to have parents that participate and follow through with the therapy. These situations result in a higher rate of learning and skill acquisition. This is an excellent method of applying ABA but requires a very strong knowledge of developmental sequences, creativity, ability to pivot quickly and flexibility. Each situation initiated by the child requires constant thinking about motivation, what skills can be taught in that situation and how to quickly reinforce. But this method can be far more successful if the team is wiling to make the effort (it is much more exhausting mentally and physically than planning and implementing a highly structured DTT session). It is far more effective for teaching joint attention, play and social communication skills. It is well worth the effort to experience the success.


Very informative and lovely interactive presentation, got some basic idea about NDBI, Thanks a lot to the presenters and the host.


I thought this webinar was very informative and well presented.


Great info! Thank you!


excellent topic

Misty S.

This video looks to help all practitioners learn the next stage in naturalistic teaching, using NDBIs. The presentation is packed full of information such as the current research in this area, how we can stage a setting to increase vocal behavior during child-led play, data collection, attending/joint attention benefits and so much more! This presentation is a definite go-to for anyone working with children having communication delays!


LOVED the speakers and the topic! So excited that Ana has been able to translate some of the NDBI materials into Spanish. THANK YOU!


The topic was great but I wish this course had been combined with the practical applications, as it felt a little bit unnecessary to sit through the questions about people's current views on NDBI. Otherwise, the course was great and I will further explore the resources! Thanks


Very informative presentation, Learned alot about the subject and excited to review resources and look at the application of how to apply ndbis!


This is a very exciting topic. You walk away with great tools you can implement right away. So excited to see the direction this is taking us. The presenters do a great job explaining what NDBI and the practical applications and benefits.

Course information

  • Title: Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions (NDBI)
  • Presenter: Ana Dueñas Ph.D., BCBA-D, Sophia D’Agostino Ph.D., BCBA-D
  • CEUs: 2 Learning
  • Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes
  • Customer Rating: (787)

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