Supervision practices have become an ethical pain point for behavior analysis over the past several years, with issues of supervision being one of the most reported and founded ethical violations according to the BACB. Given that the field is growing at exponential rates, the need for quality supervision has never been more apparent. In this discussion, Dr. Shane T. Spiker will discuss how we can use instructional design methods to build supervision practices that are not only quality, but ethical in their application. Instructional design is one of the most powerful design tools at a behavior analyst's disposal though it is rarely attended to in an intentional way. Through the use of instructional design methods, behavior analytic supervisors can effectively reduce ethical dilemmas by creating quality supervision programs.
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
- Define and describe instructional design methods as they related to behavioral outcomes
- Identify common ethical violations that occur within supervision practices
- Design elements of supervision practices using instructional design methods
- Develop preventative practices that reduce supervision related ethical dilemmas
About the Presenter
This course was fantastic. The presenter was knowledgeable and passionate, the material was well sequenced and practically useful.
This was, by far, one of the best CE workshops/trainings I have taken since being certified in 2018. Thank you for the thought and care that went into this presentation. I am walking away with actionable steps to improve my practice. ...and just as personal preference- I also really appreciated the pace of the presentation!
Shane Spiker's class is exceptional! His expertise in the field is truly astounding. I appreciate the fast pace, as I am also a quick speaker. I'm excited to explore other classes offered in this space. The material is truly educational and applicable for anyone seeking to enhance their presentation and leadership abilities.
This is one of the best CEU’s surrounding supervision I have taken. Instructional Design allows for intentional supervision and creating an intentional plan for supervision is of utmost importance. So wish this would have been an early CEU for me….however, this builds on what I want my supervision to be moving forward! Thank you Shane!
Shane presents highly valuable content on Instructional Design in an entertaining and relatable way. He provides many examples and honestly just leaves me wanting to dive into more of literature and resources in the Instructional Design realm to better improve my supervision skills!
Shane Spiker is the man!
Dr. Spiker is very knowledgeable and is very enthusiastic about this topic. He reminds us that we have the skills to develop a behavior plan and to teach using shaping, chaining, and desensitization programs; we need to remember to apply those principles to our supervision experiences. My only complaint is not to have more details from Dr. Spiker which would mean a longer workshop.
Shane has such a wonderful delivery of content and way of explaining material. Thank you for this course.
One of the best supervision ceus I have attended
Such a great and helpful webinar presentation! The content was superb and I definitely learned a number of new (and creative) things as part of supervision.
Course information
- Title: Instructional Design to Develop Ethical Supervision Practices
- Presenter: Shane Spiker PhD, BCBA, IBA, LBA
- CEUs: 2 Learning - Supervision
- Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes
- Customer Rating: (410)