Addressing Effectiveness and Contextual/Cultural Fit in Behavior Support to Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities
Behavior analysts providing positive behavior support services to families of children with developmental disabilities face challenges as they seek to achieve a central aim of applied behavior analysis: Promoting socially significant improvements in child behavior and child and family quality of life that maintain over time and generalize across family settings.
The diversity of families in regard to family systems and cultural and linguistic backgrounds can make achievement of these aims daunting. Dr. Lucyshyn will describe efforts to address these challenges through the empirical development of family centered positive behavior support (FCPBS). Within this effort, a core scientific question addressed has been, ‘What are necessary and sufficient conditions for the design of survivable interventions in family contexts; that is, interventions that are effective, acceptable, meaningful, feasible, durable and sustainable?’
Key features of the approach that have been associated with survivable interventions across a diversity of families will be described and illustrated. Key insights related to promoting effectiveness and contextual/cultural fit will be discussed. Brief online activities will provide opportunities to integrate these insights into one’s practice. Assessment tools designed to nurture parent-professional partnership, enhance functional assessment results, and contribute to the design of contextually and culturally appropriate behavior support plans will be shared.
Learning Objectives - Part 1
- Define survivable interventions and understand the importance of collaborating with families to design behavior support plans that are survivable in family contexts
- Define three theories that form the foundation of family centered positive behavior support (FCPBS), and that contribute to the design of survivable interventions.
- Describe six qualities that characterize a collaborative partnership between families and professionals
Learning Objectives - Part 2
- Understand and describe the value of adding to a functional assessment an assessment of parent-child interaction patterns that hinder or promote child development.
- Understand the importance of using a cultural assessment tool to design a culturally responsive process of positive behavior support
- Understand the difference between an empowerment approach to parent education and training and an expert model parent education and training.
About the Presenter
The webinar activities motivated me to reassess and reevaluate my perspective as a therapist to be more open, mindful, and willing to listen to your client's view, collect those thoughts, and attempt to resolve issues to help with the families.
we need more academic to practical perspective like this one.
Deep respect for the speaker's ability to explain the importance of cultural sensitivity-- and the power culture can bring to therapy.
Excellent! Learned a lot and also good review as well.
the videos and comic scripts were very benefical in relaying the concepts expressed
This was THE most informative CEU on family focused interventions I have ever attended. The presenter was excellent.
The course is family oriented too, and helps one to integrate the child's behavioral program to align with the family culture and upbringing of the child. The course also leads the teacher to understand the child's family culture.
I appreciate Dr. Joseph L. knowledge and expertise on this subject. I have learned a lot from these sessions and plan to incorporate as much as I can in our school in Mexico. Thank you!
Excellent presentation! Thanks
The presentation was very detailed and thoroughly explained.
Course information
- Title: Building Survivable Interventions in Family Contexts Part 2
- Presenter: Joe Lucyshyn Ph.D., BCBA-D
- CEUs: 2.5 Learning
- Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes
- Customer Rating: (272)