Behavior analytic practitioners report an almost exclusive reliance on indirect and descriptive methods for assessing challenging behavior and cite safety as one reason why they do not conduct functional analyses (Ellingson et al., 1999; Oliver et al., 2015; Roscoe et al., 2015). Since the publication of the traditional functional analysis (Iwata et al., 1982/1994), several methodological changes have been recommended in the interest of safety (see Hanley, 2012 and Iwata & Dozier, 2008). This presentation will focus on practical functional assessments (PFAs), first described by Hanley et al. (2014). PFAs provide practitioners with a safe and ethical option when tasked with assessing dangerous behavior. Synthesis of establishing operations and reinforcers (Hanley et al., 2014); open contingency classes that include non-dangerous, co-occurring topographies of behavior (Warner et al., 2019); and slow progression of establishing operations (Ward et al., 2021; Whelan et al., 2021) are critical components that will be discussed. 

Learning Objectives 
  1. An attendee should be able to describe the procedures of a safe functional analysis of dangerous behavior.
  2. An attendee should be able to describe how procedures of a safe functional analysis of dangerous behavior align with the BACB Code of Ethics. 
  3. An attendee should be able to advocate for the use of safe functional analysis of dangerous behavior to caregivers and other stakeholders.

About the Presenter

Dr. Cory Whelan graduated from The George Washington University with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in speech-language pathology and studied applied behavior analysis at UMASS Boston. A Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), and a Licensed Applied Behavior Analyst (LABA), he obtained his doctoral degree in behavior analysis at Western New England University under the advisement of Dr. Gregory Hanley. His clinical experience includes delivering speech and behavior analytic services in public schools, private residential schools, and adult day/residential programs. 

Dr. Whelan serves as the Director of Clinical Services for the Developmental Services and Brain Injury divisions at Vinfen, a multi-state human service agency for people with mental health conditions, intellectual and developmental disabilities, brain injuries, and behavioral health challenges. In his role, he oversees all clinical systems and service delivery for day and residential programs. Dr. Whelan is passionate about the delivery of compassionate and effective ABA services across the lifespan. His research interests include the assessment and treatment of severe problem behavior, training staff to implement Practical Functional Assessments and Skills-Based Treatments, and evaluating strategies for delivering effective services that result in long-term, generalized effects. His research has been published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (JABA), Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders and Child and Family Behavior Therapy. He has served as a guest reviewer for several behavior analytic journals including JABA, Behavioral Interventions, Behavior Analysis in Practice, and the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

It is critical for BCBAs to do an FA when dealing with dangerous behavior, but also respect and recognize the need for immediate action to assist direct care staff with implementing safety procedures while working on an emergency intervention. This webinar was an excellent presentation of an overview of the importance of immediate intervention to increase safety and decrease harm. I am fortunate that during the 24 years I have been doing this, the pay source of Medicaid (waiver-DD adults and adjudicated minors in foster care) administrators have been extremely respectful of my expertise and do not question my methodology and do not refuse units for developing an FA. I always tell team members (direct care staff, program coordinators, agency directors, case managers) that success is a team effort and if they listen and do what I instruct, they will be successful and their job will be much easier and happier.


Really engaging presentation! A ton of great information in here for those familiar or unfamiliar with IISCAs/PFA.


Excellent and so informative!

Mr. G.

Sure, the course throws more light into the importance of first looking into the root reason why a behavior was started, then channel it's treatment to its root.

Gabby G.

This was a great webinar that included some helpful tips regarding functional analysis and ethical considerations in regards to new updates on conducting FAs without escalating to severe problem behavior. Love the direction the field is going in.


This course emphasizes the ethical values of conducting FAs of dangerous problem behaviours safely. Well presented and encouraging for one’s daily practice.


Really great overview, provided a lot of starting points to further personal research on the topic


When working as a BCBA, there isn't time to keep up on the latest research. This webinar informed me of work building on Dr. Hanley's original FA research. This will help me provide the most recent evidence based research in my practice to give my patients the best care possible.


I found this topic interesting. I appreciate that the field is moving in the direction of looking at Behavior Analysts as the preventor of behaviors that require restraint rather than the ones to call for restraint. That viewpoint is refreshing and Dr. Whelan's presentation of the topic was clear.


Great talk! Respect for the client is clearly felt.The importance of assent, the clear respect for the knowledge of the caregivers that are so significant for a good analysis are clearly stated! A few comments or thoughts: 1. Most examples given seem to be behaviors maintained by escape from direct demand and access to tangibles. What about attention and automatically reinforced behaviors? I would like more practical examples for these situations. 2. Also with profound autism clients we often experience escape from aversives that are not so easely identified or controlled. I would like more examples how you have analysed these challenging behaviors. 3. A technical issue from several recorded talks: The speaker's camera are recorded over some of the text on the slides. Thank you!

Course information

  • Title: Functional Analyses of Dangerous Behavior
  • Presenter: Cory Whelan Ph.D, BCBA
  • CEUs: 2 Learning - Ethics
  • Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes
  • Customer Rating: (435)

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