Toilet training: one of the most socially valid skills that behavior analysts are confronted with, yet still often misunderstood and misapplied. Many families of children with autism spectrum disorder find toilet training challenging and rely on their applied behavior analysis therapy team for help.
How do we help our clients and their families with such a socially important skill? This webinar will review the most recent literature on toilet training for children on the autism spectrum. We will discuss updates to and ethical implications of the Azrin and Foxx (1971) procedure, particularly as it relates to assent. We will examine what to do when the most commonly used procedures fail and how to set our clients up for success. Finally, we will discuss toilet training in the telehealth era and ways to empower families with tools and skills necessary to carry out successful toileting programs at home.
Learning Objectives
- Attendees will describe the components of an effective toilet training program, based on current research.
- Attendees will discuss the ethical implications of the Azrin and Foxx (1971) procedure, particularly as it relates to assent.
- Attendees will identify ways to increase effectiveness of toileting programs and what to do when they fail.
- Attendees will describe how to train parents to implement toilet training programs, with special emphasis on doing so through a telehealth model.
About the Presenter
Thanks to the presenter for an informative session, very important topic toilet training, learned a lot and now time to practice the same and a big Thanks to the host.
I absolutely love Dr. DiGangi!
This was so helpful to hear the research throughout the years regarding potty training but it was even more helpful learning about the signs or prerequisites to know if they're ready to learn.
Good. The curse is paticipative or conversation inspired.
This seminar was very helpful since I have not had experience with toilet training clients and I now have two that will begin toilet training.
The training was overall very good. It provided a lot of tip for toileting readiness as well as how to ethically implement toilet procedures. I especially liked how ABA in general is making a shift to HRE and assent. A happy, relaxed, and engaged learner is what everyone should strive for when teaching any new skill.
Very engaging presenter! Served as a confirmation that the tools being used are sound
Presenter was so informative and practical! Was so appreciative of the multiple interventions and etichal considrations discussed.
Very interactive presentation. Good to update my knowledge about toileting.
Course information
- Title: Toilet Training: Research, Trends, and Future Directions
- Presenter: Amanda DiGangi Ph.D., BCBA-D
- CEUs: 2.5 Learning - Ethics
- Duration: 2 hours and 5 minutes
- Customer Rating: (594)