ABA-based therapy is considered the gold standard of treatment for autism spectrum disorder (Yu et al., 2020); however, a scarcity of research exists demonstrating the field’s ability to establish and develop socially significant behaviors among the Deaf and hard-of-hearing (D/HH) + ASD population. Join Stephanie Dille-Huggins, MA, BCBA, who has been serving the D/HH + ASD community and their families for over the past decade as she guides participants through an interactive session that will take a deep dive into behavior analytic applications and principles that can be used to improve treatment outcomes for this population while simultaneously using the widely utilized Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP). Participants will develop an understanding of both the benefits and limitations to using the VB-MAPP to guide treatment for the D/HH + ASD population and additional treatment considerations to improve all treatment outcomes. Participants will also develop an understanding of how language deprivation syndrome can be combatted and improve communication outcomes for this population using the VB-MAPP.
- Participants will be able to list and describe at least 3 barriers in using the VB-MAPP to guide treatment/therapy goals for D/HH + ASD learners.
- Participants will be able to list and describe at least 3 benefits in using the VB-MAPP to aid D/HH + ASD learners in meeting their therapy goals.
- Participants will be able to list and describe 3 ABA-based applications and principles used to improve treatment outcomes for D/HH + ASD individuals.
About the Presenter
The training was great! She seemed very knowledgeable and prepared, it just was not applicable to my clients. However, it may be in the future!
Awesome explanations and insights about effective communication and assessment tools and methods for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals with ASD.
I was asked to do a vbmapp assessment on a DHH student with autism. At first i thought I couldn't do it due to the hearing being impacted but after your training i was more confident to try out the vb-mapp and get more answers for my students IEP. Thank you!
Very interesting! I feel like with many CEUs I walk away not really learning anything new, but this was very informative. Thank you!
Course information
- Title: Improving Treatment Outcomes for D/HH + ASD with VB-MAPP
- Presenter: Stephanie Dille-Huggins BCBA, CODA
- CEUs: 2 Learning
- Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes
- Customer Rating: (108)