In their studies, behavior analysts are taught how to conduct functional behavior assessments. However, the expectation of placing that information into a treatment plan becomes a reality when working within a health-care system. Often the difficulty for behavior analysts is they have not been trained about concepts like advocacy, medical necessity, and generally accepted standards of care. Or, perhaps the only training they may have received is specific to their particular company. In a LinkedIn poll, nearly 45% of respondents (out of 300+) indicated that they learned about treatment planning through trial and error. This presentation will review concepts listed above, where to find the definitions, and how to use this information to craft treatment plans for their clients. Additionally, attendees will walk away equipped with resources and guides to assist them when developing meaningful treatment plans.


  1. Name one document that addresses generally accepted standards of care.
  2. Define the difference between focused and comprehensive models of care.
  3. Write one objective and corresponding clinical rationale.

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