Although differing opinions exist about the level and degree of competence required of BCBAs and whether BCBAs should be trained in practices not entirely grounded in the science of ABA, we have an ethical obligation to provide the most effective treatments to our clients. Behavior analysts have an ethical obligation to be pragmatic when selecting evidence-based practice and ensure they are selecting the most effective and efficient interventions that will lead to an improved quality of life (Contreras et al., 2021; Schwartz & Kelly, 2021). Given the growing evidence-base for NDBIs as effective social communication interventions for young children on the autism spectrum, we propose an alignment with the current task list and NDBIs’ core principles and components to improve the scope of practice of BCBAs working with young children on the spectrum and their families.
Learning Objectives
- Attendees will be able to identify and outline the progression of NDBI implementation related to the BACB 6th edition task list.
- Attendees will identify how the BACB 6th edition task list aligns with NDBI core principles and components.
- Attendees will learn about ways to improve preparation and supervision of aspiring BCBAs on core principles and components of NDBI.
About the Presenter
This introduces awesome perspective that we all need to look into for wholesome learning
New information. Very informative
Very informative presentation, thank s a lot to the presenter.
They did a great job of clarifying the difference between NDBI's and NET.
Course information
- Title: A Proposed Integration of NDBI to BCBA Training
- Presenter: Sophia D’Agostino Ph.D., BCBA-D, Ana Dueñas Ph.D., BCBA-D
- CEUs: 2 Learning
- Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes
- Customer Rating: (114)