The research is clear. People who are neurodiverse spend more time online than pursuing any other leisure activity. Combined with a high unemployment rate and a services cliff when adolescents leave school this unfettered access to the internet can lead people down a rabbit hole that crosses social and legal boundaries. This presentation will identify two areas of current concern- accessing illegal images and radicalization and what we, as behavior analysts, can do to support families in cultivating different interests and developing healthy technology habits through education, collaboration and applied behavior analytic strategies.
Participants will be able to:
- Relate the social and legal implications of concerning online behavior with characteristics of neurodiversity which increase vulnerability.
- Synthesize information from the National Institute of Justice on reducing contact with the criminal justice system with behavior analytic practices
- Compile a list of strategies to implement in their clinical practice.
About the Presenter
An excellent presentation and much needed topic for both neurodiverse and neurotypical adolescents and young adults. Lot's of practical information and approaches. The most engaging and useful presentation I attended this renewal cycle!
The overall content of the video was great. Please be mindful of political bias. Radicalization can occur online for both sides of the political aisles.
This was very fascinating and informative - information all practitioners should have. I will be sharing the link to purchase the content with colleagues for sure!
Excellent overview of truly important information - loved the resources!!
Very informative CEU from the perspective of legal implications of inappropriate internet usage. Very helpful even for supporting adult service users, would highly recommend!
Excellent Presentation by Laurie Sperry, Ph.D., BCBA-D, MSc Forensic Psych - Thank you to Behavior University for Hosting this important topic!
Very interesting topic that more education is needed on. Sparked my memory of a few clients while watching. Thanks!
Very informative and sensitive to the many aspects of the topic. ASD is a disorder that can result in many behaviors and bringing awareness to such an importan risk factor can support professionals knowledge to make a difference in the life of their clients!
Really great, concrete information and examples. This CEU dives into the nitty gritty of internet safety, going beyond the typical “don’t give money to people, talk to strangers or share pictures of your face.” Very eye opening
Very informative and blunt! Great to really think about the different dangers and consequences that my clients face in the cyber world!
Course information
- Title: Promoting Internet Safety
- Presenter: Laurie Sperry Ph.D., BCBA-D, MSc Forensic Psych
- CEUs: 2 Learning - Ethics
- Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes
- Customer Rating: (155)