As more and more people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder live in the community, the opportunity for interactions with first responders (Police, Firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians) has increased. Unfortunately, certain aspects of behavior associated with ASD make interactions with these first responders more likely. Crucially, some aspects of training given to first responders is antithetical to what would ordinarily be suggested in clinical practice. This has led to tragic consequences on more than one occasion. What first responders need to know about the Autism Spectrum and what individuals on the Autism Spectrum need to know about first responders will be reviewed.


  1. Attendees will identify common behavior associated with the Autism Spectrum that may lead to first responder involvement.
  2. Attendees will identify elements of training that need to be conducted with first responders to ensure safe interaction.
  3. Attendees will identify behaviors that people diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum should learn for safe and productive interactions with first responders.

About the Presenter

Bobby Newman is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Licensed Behavior Analyst in New York and Tennessee, and Licensed Psychologist. Affectionately known as the Dark Overlord of ABA, Bobby is the first author on thirteen books regarding behavior therapy, the philosophy of behaviorism, the autism spectrum disorders, utopian literature, and fitness. He has published over two dozen articles in professional journals, as well as numerous popular magazine articles and has hosted two series of radio call-in shows. Bobby is the Past-President of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment and the New York State Association for Behavior Analysis. A popular speaker, Bobby also provides direct treatment, staff training and consultation around the world, and has been honored for this work by several parents and professional groups. He is the Executive Director of Clinical Services for Proud Moments. Bobby is also a certified personal trainer, obstacle course racer and marathoner and is an Ambassador for the Great Sportsmanship Programme. Bobby teaches non-violent crisis intervention philosophy and techniques for agencies and families. Bobby was a final four finalist for the 2016 For Those Who Would Humanitarian Award. Along with parents and advocates Bobbi Rogers and Leanne Morphet, he co-hosts "Covid Conversations," a weekly podcast examining the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on people with developmental disabilities.
Donna P.

Bobby was a teacher of mine years ago and it was so good to hear him teach once again. He is the best in his field and is a man on empathy and sensitivity. I admire his work and he is a big reason that I do what I do to help those on the spectrum of Autism. Thank you Bobby.

Leanne M.

Thank you for talking about the hard topics in plain language. This session should be a mandatory session for all first responders.


I loved the way the presenter explained situations from the first responders perspective and the developmental disability perspective. It gave me great ideas for programs with my clients and trying to reach out to local agencies to provide training!


Highly recommend this one! Very relatable and much needed information to keep our guys and gals safe! I appreciated the examples, added touches of humor and music references. Excellent! Thank you!


This is a necessar topic. I appreciate the effort to raise awareness and prevent tradegy.


Great training! First responder training is something I've been really interested in. This training gave good insight into both perspectives and highlighted areas I hadn't thought about yet.

Course information

  • Title: First Responders and the Autism Spectrum
  • Presenter: Bobby Newman Ph.D, BCBA-D, LBA
  • CEUs: 2 Learning
  • Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes
  • Customer Rating: (129)

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